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A few days ago I came across an interesting article in McKinsey Quarterly on “Reinventing IT to support digitization”

In this article the authors state that “Traditional companies seeking strong digital performance must thoroughly transform their IT functions.” They describe several key aspects companies need to consider to be able to compete in the market or create a new strategic advantage.

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  • Comprehensive analysis and specifications for the evaluation and rating of software services and the providers
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 The sector of “mid-sized businesses” (e.g. those with a turnover of up to £250M) is a major driving force in the German economy. In many ways, the challenges they face and the strategies used to tackle them are similar to those seen by large corporations. However when it comes to using outsourcing solutions and service delivery from offshore or nearshore locations, these SMEs have not followed a similar pattern and success stories are still rare.

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Warum ist es so schwierig, in einer komplexen Konzernstruktur alle Unternehmenseinheiten in eine einheitliche Steuerung der Informationsstrukturen einzubinden?

Viele Konzerne sehen sich heute mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, in komplexen Unternehmensstrukturen mit vielen Geschäftsbereichen, Tochtergesellschaften oder Niederlassungen Synergien über einheitliche Betriebsstrukturen zu schaffen. Treiber hierfür sind wesentlich die Kosten, aber auch die Reduzierung von Komplexität in den Produkten, Prozessen und Systemen.

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As a German entrepreneur being engaged in the market with an own, seed capital backed start up I want to share some of my perceptions and encourage you to provide your viewpoints on the ecosystem for SW and Internet start ups in Germany.